Founded by healthcare professionals, First Day Homecare was created in Flint, Michigan for many reasons, but mostly because there was a need not being met.
First Day Homecare - Nursing Franchise was created because the world continues to turn for families of children and adults with medically complex conditions, and support is needed.
Across the U.S., 4.5 million Americans need private duty nursing services. While many are adults, hundreds of thousands are children with medically fragile conditions. Their parents and caregivers are often overwhelmed, desperate for professional in-home support. These families exist in every community, every state, highlighting a nationwide issue with unmet needs.
That’s where First Day Homecare comes in.
Today is the First Day of better days for patients, for parents, for caregivers, for First Day Homecare staff, and now for our franchise owners.
That’s why First Day Homecare has created a strategically developed franchise model for other business managers and healthcare professionals to become business builders. As a member of the First Day Homecare family of franchisees, you can extend the reach of what we do to more people in more places across the country.
If you are passionate about healthcare, nursing, patient care, and supporting families of medically fragile children, or others with medically complex conditions, a franchise with First Day Homecare is a way to provide meaningful work, while making a huge difference in the lives of others. There’s no better feeling for a healthcare provider.